Belling BL0942 Energy Monitor

The bl0942 sensor platform allows you to use BL0942 energy monitors sensors with ESPHome. These are used in some Tuya-devices (e.g. Aubess Tuya WiFi Mini Smart Switch With Energy Monitor)

The communication with this component is done via a UART. You must therefore have a uart: entry in your configuration with both the TX and RX pins set to some pins on your board and the baud rate set to 4800 with 1 stop bit.

# Example configuration entry
  - platform: bl0942
      name: 'BL0942 Voltage'
      name: 'BL0942 Current'
      name: 'BL0942 Power'
      name: 'BL0942 Energy'
      name: "BL0942 Frequency"

Configuration variables:

  • voltage (Optional): The voltage value of the sensor in Volts. All options from Sensor.

  • current (Optional): The current value of the sensor in Amperes. All options from Sensor.

  • power (Optional): The (active) power value of the sensor in Watts. Note that some power meters will report this in negative values (probably wired backwards), so you may want to use a filter to multiply it by -1. All options from Sensor.

  • energy (Optional): Use the energy value of the sensor in kWh. All options from Sensor.

  • frequency (Optional): The frequency value of the sensor in Hertz. All options from Sensor. All options from Sensor.

  • update_interval (Optional, Time): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to 60s.

  • uart_id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID of the UART Component if you want to use multiple UART buses.

  • line_frequency (Optional, string): The nominal AC line frequency of the supply voltage. One of 50Hz, 60Hz. Defaults to 50Hz.

  • address (Optional, int): The address of the BL0942 from its strapping pins. Defaults to 0.

  • reset (Optional, boolean): Whether to reset the BL0942 chip on startup, resetting all internal counters. Defaults to true.

  • current_reference (Optional, float): The calibration parameter for current readings. Defaults to 251213.46469622.

  • voltage_reference (Optional, float): The calibration parameter for voltage readings. Defaults to 15873.35944299.

  • power_reference (Optional, float): The calibration parameter for power readings. Defaults to 596.0 unless either current_reference or voltage_reference are explicitly set, in which case it is calculated. See Calibration for more details.

  • energy_reference (Optional, float): The calibration parameter for cumulative energy readings. Defaults to 3304.61127328 unless any of current_reference, voltage_reference or power_reference are explicitly set, in which case it is calculated. See Calibration for more details.


There are two fundamental calibration parameters which are dependent on the hardware: voltage_reference and current_reference. These can be determined by using an accurate voltage and current meter with a simple resistive load.

The power_reference value can be derived from those, and will be roughly voltage_reference * current_reference * 3537 / (305978 * 73989).

The energy_reference value can be derived as roughly power_reference * 3600000 / 419430.4.

For compatibility with existing configurations, if no reference values are set then the original defaults will be used, despite the power and energy calibration not being entirely consistent.

If converting Tuya devices, the factory calibration values can often be obtained from the original firmware. For example, they may be found in DPS parameters 22-25, or the voltage_coe and related options.

An example from a Tongou DIN rail power meter unit. The result from tinytuya wizard included:

    "code": "voltage_coe",
    "value": 15968
    "code": "electric_coe",
    "value": 12418
    "code": "power_coe",
    "value": 3091
    "code": "electricity_coe",
    "value": 2653

Noting that the electric_coe value (DPS 23) should be multiplied by ten, and the power_coe value should be divided by ten, this results in the following configuration:

voltage_reference: 15968    # DPS 21
current_reference: 124180   # DPS 22 * 10
power_reference: 309.1      # DPS 23 / 10
energy_reference: 2653      # DPS 24

Alternatively, the values may be found on the flash of the unit without obtaining the Tuya keys for local communication. They can be found in the “key value store” partition. The same device as in the above example had the following (before flashing ESPHome) at offset 0x001d5000:

001d5000  60 3e 00 00 82 30 00 00  13 0c 00 00 5d 0a 00 00  |`>...0......]...|

The hex values 0x3e60, 0x3082, 0xc13 and 0xa5d seen there correspond to the four DPS values reported by the running Tuya firmware.

The formulas above for deriving power_reference and energy_reference can be used as a sanity check for the values found from the firmware.

See Also